
"Vocación es un darse a Dios, con tal ansia, que hasta duelen las raíces del corazón al arrancarse" Beato "Lolo"

Me agradará enormemente compartir vuestras alegrías, pero mucho más lo hará el que podamos superar juntos las dificultades que se nos presenten en la que, sin duda, será la mayor aventura de nuestras vidas. Para ello podeis escribirme cada vez que lo deseeis a

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Why not?

In our life there come moments to take important decisions. We must choose well the person with whom to form a family. We have to know which are our aptitudes to choose the university suitable studies and it can be that the decision is to realize top studies or to devote ourselves from our youth to a work. Between all these questions that we do to ourselves … have you done to you at some time the question of if it is called you Jesus? ...

If you have never done it, because not now?. It is late a not even badly moment to change radically your life ever. Dare to do it.

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